Chapter Ten: Written by Tina


Name: Tina
Age: Mid-Twenties
Ethnicity: Filipino-American
Occupation: Human Resources
Location: NYC

2020 has been a challenging year for me. I think it has been challenging for a lot of us- each in our own way.

If you ask me for a highlight reel, personally, the year just seems like a giant blur. At times, the culmination of the pandemic, quarantine, social/political/racial/environmental events, job changes, and lifestyle transitions made it feel like nothing, yet everything was happening at the same time.

However, this is also why I think that 2020 is what I needed. Amidst this year’s many events, came the realization that- simply going through the motions day-after-day, taking whatever life throws at you, is not sustainable. I need to stop flying on autopilot. I need to slow down.

And so, I took out my journal and asked myself some questions. The purpose of these questions was to reflect on where I am now, reevaluate what is truly important to me, and understand how I can start living more intentionally in my everyday thoughts, words, and actions: 

Self-Growth: Who is the person that I want to become? What qualities of my best-self do I want to manifest? Where am I now vs. where I want to be?

Relationships: Which relationships are important to me? Why? How can I be a better friend, partner, listener, and confidant?

Work/Career: What is the next step in my career? What greater impact can I make with the work that I do? How can I set better work/life boundaries?

Creativity/Learning: What new things can I learn about? What can I create, and how can I make this content meaningful?

Lifestyle: What is my ideal lifestyle? What is my relationship with material and digital things? How do my everyday actions make an impact on society and the environment?

Wellness: How am I feeling? What habits can I improve to take better care of myself? What am I grateful for?

Yes, there are a lot of questions. And no, I do not have all the answers at this very moment. While they will take some time to process, slowing down serves as a gentle reminder that it is ok to stop and take a look at the view before starting up again.

With that, sending you all love and light as we close out 2020 together. ✨